Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hide Yourself In The Rock

Flee from sexual immorality.

1 Cor 6:18

Jack Neo has been in the news for sexual immorality. Couple of months back it was Tiger Woods but Jack is so much closer to home and we all have been reading the news a little shocked and a little sad. What has happened to these celebrities can happen to anyone of us.

Sexual temptation is a primary weakness for men. That is why every man, in humility and in community, must realize the importance of making provision for his weaknesses.

There is a great thought in Proverbs 30:26:
“Rock badgers are creatures with little power, but they make their homes in the crags.”

The principle is simple: If there is an area of your life where you’re weak, like the badger ( a small animal from the weaver family) you’ve got to find a way to cover yourself. It is only then you can protect yourself and flee sexual immorality.

The applications are endless:

· No Christian man should try to handle his sexual struggles alone for his heart will deceive him into sin. Sexual purity is a community project. So make provision for it. Hide yourself in the cleft of the rock. Find other men to be accountable to. That is what the Agape Guys Ministry (AGM) is all about.

· Install accountability software for internet use - like X3 Watch. It another excellent example of the provision principle in action.

· Watch out for highly stressful seasons with the family – seasons that invite conflicts between you and your spouse. Those seasons are especially weak spots for guys. Make sure you minimize the liabilities during those times. Again, guys, every time you have a conflict with your wife or kids, share with a friend. Get prayer. Pray together. Pray alone. Make your home in the crags.

· And don’t leave home for a business trip without bring a closure to your fights. Otherwise, because you feel alone and drained emotionally, you become very vulnerable to sexual sin.

· Of course, never be alone with another woman. Don’t be alone in a car with a woman colleague.

Guys, we must make provision for our weaknesses. We are not any more stronger than Tiger Woods or Jack Neo. But God has provided a community for us to help us cover our weaknesses so that we can continue to focus in strengthening our families. I realize very few people have the luxury of a support system like that. But in Agape, by the grace of God, He has given us the ‘crags’ to hide in so that we can flee sexual immorality.

Sexual purity is a community project.

Hide yourself in the rock.


  1. Amen! Admit our weakness. Never deceive ourselves into thinking "I can handle it", "I wont be out of control". As we see in the news with Tiger & Jack, they cannot handle it - they crossed the line. And things went out of control. What we can control is whether we walk towards the line of sexual immorality or flee from it. But once the line is crossed, you'll "reap what you sow".

    Let's flee before it's too late.

  2. This season as I read the word of God it helped steered my mind off sexual thoughts and directed me to ask for the empowering of the Holy Spirit to help me flee from any form of evil...... your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit
