Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Lost, or Loved?

There are Christians who like to slip in and out of church. They want to hear the preaching but they don't want to do anything else. They like to remain anonymous.

I suppose that is the part of the appeal of very big churches. They are big enough for people to get lost in. You can go to church. But you don't have to get to know anyone.

Look at the pattern set for us in Acts 2. It is facinating. Big? You bet. Some 3000 people were converted by Peter's first sermon. That is a pretty good start to a big church. But lost in the crowd? Never! Because that first big church in Jerusalem immediately divided those converts up ino small groups, got them to meeting in houses, and before you knew it, each of these folks found he or she was loved - and loved others.

Luke described the result. They experienced unity in their house fellowships (v.42). They expressed their love for each other in the most practical of ways (v.44). They got together in larger groups to worship with enthusiasm (v.46). They became such friends they spent a lot of time with each other's families (v.46). They felt so glad that praise kept welling up out of their lives (v.47) And, oh yes, everyone was favourably impressed - and more people kept on being converted daily.

The Lord was so pleased, the Holy Spirit was continoually poured out upon them!

Don't be 'lost' in church with no relationships because then you've also lost out on a vital ingredient of authentic Christianity. Discipleship and growth happens in a community!

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